Oil Well Stimulation for Carbonate Reservoir using Acidizing Techniques
Mohamed Shafeer Mohamed Althaf1, Elhassan Mostafa Abdallah Mohammed2

1Mohamed Shafeer Mohamed Althaf, Faculty of Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University,  Lumpur, Malaysia.

2Elhassan Mostafa Abdallah Mohammed, Faculty of Engineering, Technology & Built Environment, UCSI University,  Lumpur, Malaysia.

Manuscript received on 01 February 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 07 February 2019 | Manuscript Published on 13 February 2019 | PP: 124-129 | Volume-8 Issue- 4S February 2019 | Retrieval Number: DS2848028419/2019©BEIESP

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Matrix acidizing is one of the oldest well stimulation methods that has been used for the past few decades to resolve the formation damage issue. However, stimulation in carbonate reservoir rocks is considered difficult due to the high degree of challenge faced during the stimulation process. An efficient matrix acidizing system for carbonate reservoir. This paper mainly focuses on designing as operational excellence approach in diagnosis of the type of formation damage, selection and formulation of suitable stimulation fluid and designing a complete acidizing system for carbonate reservoirs. In this work, crude and deposit samples from two different wells of a carbonate oil field named Bukit Tua field located in the East Java region of Indonesia was used as case studies to quantify and analyse the type of formation damage. Various analytical tests such as dissolution test, modified SARA analysis, pH of the crude sample, on the samples were conducted in the laboratory to understand and affirm the occurrence of formation damage. Based on the analytical results and studies, it was concluded that the deposition of organic and inorganic scales in and around the wellbore caused the majority problem in carbonate wells. Hence, a micro emulsion formulation and a heat generating formulation were designed in order to simultaneously dissolve and disperse the deposits and also make the heavy viscous crudes to flow. The customized stimulation fluid had a controlled reaction kinetics, low density and the ability to simultaneously treat multiple formation damage issues in carbonate wells that gives them an edge over the conventional acidizing systems. Following the most crucial stage of proper stimulation fluid selection, an efficient treatment plan has been designed in order to scale up for field applications.

Keywords: Carbonate Reservoir Rocks, Matrix Acidizing, SARA Analysis.
Scope of the Article: Simulation Optimization and Risk Management