Computer Simulation Approach to Interdisciplinary Research of Crowds Behavior in Regular and Emergency Situations
Alexander Yu. Glebovsky1, Vladimir M. Ivanov2, Dmitry G. Arsenjev3

1Alexander Yu. Glebovsky, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg Russia.
2Vladimir M. Ivanov, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg Russia.
3Dmitry G. Arsenjev, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg Russia.
Manuscript received on 07 March 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 20 March 2019 | Manuscript published on 30 March 2019 | PP: 1251-1252 | Volume-8 Issue-5, March 2019 | Retrieval Number: E3383038519/19©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Behavior of massive assemblies of people – large crowds or dense (intensive) pedestrian flows occurring in confined spaces (public buildings, shopping malls, airport terminals, public transport stations, concert halls), or in the open grounds (squares, streets, sports arenas) – attracts growing attention as a specific pressing sphere of urgent diverse multidisciplinary scientific research. This is mainly due to the critically increasing number of extraordinary incidents such as natural calamities (devastating earthquake, hurricane), technogenic accidents (explosion, fire, sudden destruction, etc.) or anthropogenic hazards (acts of terrorism) – those that over past decades have inflicted large-scale casualties and loss of life among urban population around the world. Extensive consideration has been paid to design and introduction of preventive measures against such disasters. Practitioners of urban planning, architects, civil engineers, emergency responders, etc., are professionally in need of methods and tools to evaluate the degree of a facility safety, to foresee the possible consequences of public gathering places construction, to be able to predict the potential dangers, to estimate probabilities of pedestrian traffic congestions. Investigations in this vast sphere embrace many domains, among other including human physiology, psychology, sociology, anthropometry, empirical studies on human behavior, analytical methods of events prediction, and computer simulation methods and techniques. [6] – [10].
Keyword: Crowds Behavious, Simulation, Anthropogenic Hazards, Anthropometry.
Scope of the Article: Computer Network