Realization of Various Topologies of Adders Based on H-Dycml
Riya Jain1, Neeta Pandey2

1Riya Jain*, Electronics and Communication Department, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.
2Neeta Pandey, Electronics and Communication Department, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.
Manuscript received on March 15, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on March 26, 2020. | Manuscript published on April 10, 2020. | PP: 1885-1891 | Volume-9 Issue-6, April 2020. | Retrieval Number: F4592049620/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F4592.049620
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Power consumption minimization in a circuit becomes imperative with growth in demands of portable goods. However, at the same time, its speed limits the performance of a system. Therefore, there is a need of choosing optimum circuit architecture that takes into account the both conflicting parameters, that is, power dissipation and speed. Arithmetic unit is one of the vital components of portable goods and out of all arithmetic operations, adders are the most commonly used. To address the issue of high power dissipation, low-power designing styles are becoming prominent now-a-days. Hybrid Dynamic Current Mode Logic is high-speed, low-power designing style that has been recently proposed in literature. Therefore, this paper presents the comparison between performances of various topologies of adders that are implemented using a high-speed, low-power designing style: Hybrid-Dynamic Current Mode Logic (H-DyCML). All the circuits are realized in Cadence Virtuoso using 180nm CMOS technology parameter. Various performance parameters are evaluated such as: Delay, Power, Power-Delay Product, and hardware utilization. It is found that carry look-ahead adder out-stands other adders in terms of overall performance. 
Keywords: Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Skip Adder, Carry Look-Ahead Adder, Carry Save Adder, Carry Select Adder, H-DyCML
Scope of the Article: Sensor Networks, Actuators for Internet of Things