Plight of Democracy in Middle East: A Study of the Twin Novels Al Arabian Novel Factory and Jasmine Days
Aiswarya R1, Keerthy Gopinadh2, Sreelakshmi N3

1Aiswarya R., Student, Integrated M.A, Department of English and Languages, Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus India.

2Keerthy Gopinadh, Student, M.A, Department of English and Languages, Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus India.

3Dr. Sreelakshmi N, Assistant Professor, Department of English and Languages, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus India.

Manuscript received on 15 May 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 22 May 2019 | Manuscript Published on 08 June 2019 | PP: 217-221 | Volume-8 Issue-7C May 2019 | Retrieval Number: G10460587C19/19©BEIESP

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt an analysis of the impact of power by the authorities of the Middle Eastern country which has been explained in the twin novels called Al Arabian Novel Factory and Jasmin Days written by Benyamin. Both these novels deal with the contemporary life in an unnamed Arab country in the backdrop of Arab Spring in the Middle East. Benyamin presents, in these novels, the impact of the revolutions in the Arab world, the internal conflicts of Sunni and Shia Muslims and how these issues fall apart the happy world of the people. This paper explores how the people of an unnamed Arab country lacks their representation in the politics and how democracy becomes a farce when the entire power has been vested in one person.

Keywords: Power, Arab Spring, Revolution, Democracy, Sunni-Shia Conflict, Middle East, Expatriate.
Scope of the Article: Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation