Promoting Undergraduate Engineering Students‟ Interest in Project
Radha Raman Chaudhary1, P. Alagumanoharan2

1Radha Raman Chaudhary, Dean Research and Development, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Modern Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Alwar, India.

2P. Alagumanoharan, Assistant Professor, Department of Technology and Management, Farrukh Nagar, Gurugram, India.

Manuscript received on 18 June 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 25 June 2019 | Manuscript Published on 19 June 2019 | PP: 532-538 | Volume-8 Issue-8S June 2019 | Retrieval Number: H10890688S19/19©BEIESP

Open Access | Editorial and Publishing Policies | Cite | Mendeley | Indexing and Abstracting
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Projects are the basic curriculum need for the undergraduate level students. This covers 250 marks as minor and major projects during final year semesters. More than marks, students are expected to acquire skills necessary for their employment and future career. The outcome should provide the problem solving, solutioning and testing skills among the prospective engineers. How much of these skills are ingrained during the project among the students, are the point to ponder? It has been observed that the final year student’s attention towards projects are casual because they are too much worried about their future career. Therefore, the execution of the minor and major projects should be shifted back to pre-final year semesters. The most important thing is that the project execution methodology should be based on pull method (based on student’s own idea), which will create passion among students to complete the project enthusiastically. This paper is aimed at designing the target project processes which will produce the desired outcome to the students. In addition to that students may acquire skills helpful in lifelong learning. They may register for higher studies in large numbers which may be a positive change.

Keywords: Idea, Commercial Idea, Sap-Lap Framework, Idea Base, Fesearch Base, Google Scholar.
Scope of the Article: Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Public Works