Synergism Paradigm and Effective Teamwork Mechanism
Tareq Shareef Younus1, Abdulsattar Al-Alusi2, Reyaz Ahmad3, Mohammad Obaidat4

1Tareq Shareef Younus, American College of Dubai, Dubai- UAE.

2Abdulsattar Al-Alusi, American College of Dubai, Dubai- UAE. 

3Reyaz Ahmad, American College of Dubai, Dubai- UAE.

4Mohammad Obaidat, HexaTime LLC.

Manuscript received on 09 October 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 23 October 2019 | Manuscript Published on 26 December 2019 | PP: 784-789 | Volume-8 Issue-12S October 2019 | Retrieval Number: L118010812S19/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L1180.10812S19

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The research aims to identify the action aspect of synergy. Although many authors have generated a theoretical clarification to synergy in business area but, still there is no clear measurements addressed in place However, critical review has been conducted in this area of research which suggest that there is a need of performing a significant effort to introduce a measurement technique to quantify the impact of synergism on building an effective teamwork in the workplace. Effective teamwork relies upon synergism that exist among all teams. There are needs of clear analysis to the features that should be identified in order to build up a significant start-up teamwork configuration. This research attempts to identify the factors behind teamwork synergy and the possible consequence of synergism. Research data is generated based on virtual groups’ performance. The collection of the research data is based on observations made when virtual workloads were assigned to groups with similar tasks in the field of work. The time factor is one of the variables that the performance results reveal for the specific tasks of the work groups. Mathematical method was used to calculate the latent features which meet the current research propositions. The results of the mathematical calculation were used as an input to further statistical analysis in addition to testing the research hypothesis and to answer the research questions.

Keywords: Teamwork, Virtual Performance, Group Formation, Synergy Paradigm, Harmonic Mean, Thematic Analysis, Latent Variable.
Scope of the Article: Social Sciences