Experimental Electric Retrofitting of an Ice Vehicle with Simulation and Cost Analysis
Ashish Rajeshwar Kulkarni1, Sudhanshu Singh2, Krishan Kant3, Hemant Bharti4

1Ashish Rajeshwar Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical, Technological University, (Delhi), India.

2Sudhanshu Singh, B.Tech, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological University, (Delhi), India.

3Krishan Kant, B.Tech, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological University, (Delhi), India.

4Hemant Bharti, B.Tech, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological University, (Delhi), India.

Manuscript received on 30 June 2020 | Revised Manuscript received on 07 July 2020 | Manuscript Published on 11 August 2020 | PP: 45-50 | Volume-9 Issue-9S July 2020 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.I10080799S20| DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1008.0799S20

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Abstract: With increasing awareness towards environmental issues, the modern society seems inclined towards use of cleaner fuel in transportation and a drift towards electric vehicles is now being observed world over. Government of India has already made its vision 2030 public in which 100% use of electric vehicles in public transport and increased percentage of electric vehicles in personal passenger vehicles is envisaged. The paper presents a method followed for the conversion process of a traditional ICE vehicle to electric vehicle. The research specifically takes into consideration ARAI guidelines and Indian laws that benefit the process. The paper is presented in three sections. The first section deals with essential electrical components required for the procedure and their selection respectively. The second section contains simulation of selected electric motor along with cost analysis of the complete drive. The third section contains the procedure followed to obtain the final vehicle along with descriptive images for better understanding of placement of the components. The final vehicle obtained is highly cost effective as well as efficient in its performance.

Keywords: BLDC, Conversion, Gearbox, Retrofitting.
Scope of the Article: Network Modelling and Simulation