Cinnamon Wood Biochar Characteristics and Application Rates Influence on Crop Growth and Properties of Problematic Soil in Southern Sri Lanka
D.J. Jayasanka1, G.Y. Jayasinghe2, S.A.D.S.S. Maheepala3

1D.J. Jayasanka, Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

2G.Y. Jayasinghe, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

3S.A.D.S.S. Maheepala, Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. 

Manuscript received on 09 January 2020 | Revised Manuscript received on 05 February 2020 | Manuscript Published on 20 February 2020 | PP: 30-33 | Volume-9 Issue-3S January 2020 | Retrieval Number: C10060193S20/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C1006.0193S20

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Abstract: Biochar application has been provided various benefits to soil. This research was designed to assess the parameters between traditional biochar production system (TBS) and the innovative biochar production system (IS). The physical and chemical properties were assessed in two biochar materials that derived from traditional system (BCT) and the improved system (BCI). Also, soil properties changes and Ipomia aquatic plants growth were investigated after applying BCI at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% (v/v) input levels. Maximum heating temperature was increased up to 600 °C in IS since TBS reached to 500 °C. Further, time consumption in IS was reduced by 20% than TBS for the same amount of feedstock. Ash content was increased by 2% in IS compared to TBS. Biochar C content was high compared with the original feedstock in both BCT and BCI. Organic C% was increased by 55% and 75% in BCT and BCI, respectively. Particle-size was greater than 0.25mm in 90% of total biochar of both samples. BCI showed significantly high organic carbon, porosity, WHC, pH and EC than BCT. There was a significant difference of pH, EC, porosity, WHC, available P and Exchangeable K values among five treatments in the pot experiment. Mixing 75% biochar with acidic soil resulted neutral soil pH and recorded highest plant height and fresh weight compared with other combinations. Higher C content in BCI may enhance the soil carbon sequestration and improve the crop growth. Furthermore, farmers can be adapted to this system which helps to enhance the properties of acidic soil in their farmlands while opening the possibility of using Cinnamon wood as biochar material.

Keywords: Acidic Soil, Innovative Biochar Production System, Pyrolysis, Traditional Biochar Production System, Biochar Amendment.
Scope of the Article: Soil-Structure Interaction