Smart Waste Management and Predicting Bins with High Waste Index
S. Uma Maheswari1, V. Rohini2, G. Surdeep3, M. Varshini4

1Ms. S. Uma Maheswari*, Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
2V. Rohini, UG Students Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
3G. Surdeep, UG Students Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
4M. Varshini, UG Students Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
Manuscript received on April 20, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on May 01, 2020. | Manuscript published on May 10, 2020. | PP: 482-485 | Volume-9 Issue-7, May 2020. | Retrieval Number: G5001059720/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.G5001.059720
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: An exponential growth in the human population poses a major challenge to the method of waste management and thus to the preservation of a healthy environment. Many communities around the world are at risk owing to poor waste disposal. Our initiative seeks to find a solution by using a GSM compatible Smart Dustbin. This uses an ultrasonic sensor to avoid garbage leakage from the dustbin and a gas sensor to identify bad odour and ensure timely disposal of the dustbin’s unhygienic material. Therefore, our initiative seeks to prevent overflowing waste from the dustbin and thus to discontinue the unhygienic situation from existing next to it. Also, to develop immediate response to take care of the pollution of the environment and help them with their needs and also predict the dustbin fill age using machine learning algorithm. 
Keywords: Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino-UNO, portable gas sensor, GSM panel.
Scope of the Article: Adhoc and Sensor Networks