Revisit to Policy Formulation for Climate-Smart Agriculture in India
Bibhu Kaibalya manik

Bibhu Kaibalya manik , Advanced Management, Development  of  Programme on Analytics in Marketing , KiiT  University of  Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

Manuscript received on 09 August 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 16 August 2019 | Manuscript Published on 31 August 2019 | PP: 109-116 | Volume-8 Issue-9S2 August 2019 | Retrieval Number: I10220789S219/19©BEIESP DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I1022.0789S219

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: Potential influence of water stress, climate change, erosion of fertility, unorganized agro-financing practices in agricultural-yields espoused with incongruity in regulating and developing the credible distribution mechanism for the resilience of computable equilibrium in the supply chain have warranted the continuing negative economic implications relating to agricultural production-patterns as well as ensuring food security of the country. An authoritative introspection for the sustainability of agro-economic policy in consistence with the increasing population becomes the cry of the hour of the country. Sensitivity-variance of different crops to warming though confines the scopes and preferences of territoriality of productivity however, the complexity of impact of climate-change on agricultural productivity necessitates the appraisal and interrelations of physical, economic and social factors as well changing ecological imbalances. The attempt to bring structural reforms in the farming practices in weather variability context in the country requires financial support for the marginal and small-scale farmers as farming practices are predominantly adapted to local climates. The global character of atmospheric circulation and the impact of ecological and climate-changes encourage combined use of climate, crop, and economic models for sustaining growth of supply chain to market. In addition, the increasing deterioration of agricultural production due to the eventuality of climate-change and eventual ecological imbalance considerably would affect the trade balance of the country for the legislative mandate of food security. To transform the progressive move of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) into secured and sustainable agro-economy to save our planet from the ravages of climate change, a comprehensive schematic approach involves configuration of legal and policy tools containing thereof: a) ‘spillover costs’ of agricultural productivity due to increased ecological and climate changes; b) coherent assessment of the modalities of agriculture to harmonize the present-day water-stressed; c) coherent financing mechanism for the farmers, in particular the small-scale and marginal ones who are not only being affected disproportionately rather the changes warrant them to be displaced internally. The present discussion reviews two prime factors: viz; a) Effects of Climate-Change upon agro-economy of the country; and b) Attenuation of Agro-financing measures in the regulatory mechanism for regulating and developing the vibrant supply chain to the market

Keywords: Climate Change, Agro-economy, Supply Chain, Sustainable, LPG
Scope of the Article: Emplications Need to be Considered.