
Analysis, Design and Estiamation of High Rised RCC Residential Apartment (S+G+10) by using Staad. Pro software
N. Krithi1, B. Venkata Siva2, T Pradeep Kumar3, P V Vishnu Vardhan Reddy4, T G N C Vamsi Krishna5
1N. Krithi, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Guntur (A.P), India.
2B. Venkata Siva, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Guntur (A.P), India.
3T Pradeep Kumar, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Guntur (A.P), India.
4P V Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Guntur (A.P), India.
5T G N C Vamsi Krishna, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Guntur (A.P), India.
Manuscript received on August 18, 2021. | Revised Manuscript received on August 28, 2021. | Manuscript published on September 30, 2021. | PP: 6-11 | Volume-10 Issue-11, September 2021. | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.J944508101021 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J9445.09101121
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Abstract: Civil Engineering Structures which are been constructed and are being constructed were mostly analysed and designed using STAAD.PRO software and the cost estimation is made in MS Excel. As both these tools have made the analysis, design and estimation an easier task. But in discussing about in favour of these, durability of many structures are failing in seismic zones. As to make this as a note many engineers and researchers are been struggling in solving the problem of failures in the construction Industry. Here, we are considering a method of response spectrum in ZONE-II. By considering this method would able to control the structure against failure to seismic loads. Then while on coming to estimation of the structure, the only thing that worries is when execution started the cost either may increases or may decreases. We, in this research paper have given the factors that influence the change in cost of project on pre-construction and post construction.
Keywords: Residential Apartment, Earthquake loads, Estimation, Zone –II, Pre-construction, Post construction.
Scope of the Article: Earthquake Engineering