
Design and Analysis of CMOS Schmitt Trigger
K V K V L Pavan Kumar1, V.S.V. Prabhakar2, Madala Durga Bhavani3, Kowtharapu Geetha4, Maddukuri Venkatesh5, K Hari Kishore6

1K V K V L Pavan Kumar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

2V.S.V. Prabhakar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

3Madala Durga Bhavani, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

4Kowtharapu Geetha, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

5Maddukuri Venkatesh, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

6K Hari Kishore, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Manuscript received on 04 May 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 09 May 2019 | Manuscript Published on 13 May 2019 | PP: 106-109 | Volume-8 Issue-7S May 2019 | Retrieval Number: G10220587S19/19©BEIESP

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: This paper entitles the implementation of a complementary MOS Schmitt trigger using CMOS 130nm in. Complementary MOS Schmitt trigger is analyzed with the conventional Schmitt trigger in terms of power, slew rate and hysteresis at various technologies and temperatures. The two operating points Vth+ and Vth- are evaluated with respect to the supply voltages at different technologies and temperature.

Keywords: Complementary MOS Schmitt Trigger is Analyzed with the Conventional Schmitt Trigger in terms of power.
Scope of the Article: Communication